EU Taxonomy Classification and Reporting from Complex to Compliance 2023 Whitepaper

EU Taxonomy classification and reporting in 2023 and onward

This whitepaper aims to provide implementation guidance on EU Taxonomy Classification and Reporting requirements. The document deals with the actions needed by companies in the non-financial sector. Read the latest whitepaper to learn more about:

  • What is the EU Taxonomy Regulation?
  •  Which companies are required to act now?
  •  Eight steps for compliant EU Taxonomy classification and reporting from 2023

Follow the eight steps to comply with the EU taxonomy requirements.

The aim of the EU taxonomy regulation is to prevent greenwashing and make green activities more attractive to investors.

The classification system is highly relevant for companies that aim to obtain investments through green bonds and loans, and other EU level funding opportunities. The proposed European green bond standard (EUGBS) will require that funds raised by the bond should be allocated to projects that are aligned with the EU green taxonomy. The EU taxonomy is a classification system, that establishes a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities.

Download EU Taxonomy Complex to Compliance whitepaper 2023

Kenttä on validointitarkoituksiin ja tulee jättää koskemattomaksi.

Ecobio Manager service contains everything you need to comply with the EU Taxonomy requirements


  • Six environmental objectives
  • Substantial contribution assessment
  • Do no significant harm (DNSH) assessment
  • Minimum safeguard assessment
  • Summarizing, printing, archiving, and communication features
  • Training, workshops and advisory
  • Assists with verification


  • Reporting by Taxonomy activity
  • Undertaking or group level
  • Turnover, capital & operational expendures
  • CapEx plans
  • Detailed disclusure model by the Delegate Act
  • Annual reporting
  • Summarizing, printing, archiving, and communication features
  • Training, workshops and advisory
  • Assists with verification

94% of our customers would recommend our services.*

“The digital solution clarifies, simplifies, and reduces
delusion in the criteria.”

*) Based on a customer satisfaction study among all Ecobio customers (2021).

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Talk with our experts about the world’s most comprehensive digital solution for EU Taxonomy!

Do you want to hear more? Our EU Taxonomy experts are happy to have a chat.

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