CSRD Gap Analysis – A Roadmap to Streamlined Reporting
If you are wondering about what the results of the gap analysis mean for your reporting process, this webinar is for you! In this webinar, you will learn how Gap analysis contribute to the development of your reporting procedure and how CSRD roadmaps inform the reporting process!
CSRD – Navigating Double Materiality with Ecobio Manager
Watch now! Embrace the challenges of the new EU requirements for corporate sustainability reporting with confidence! If you find yourself navigating the complexities of CSRD and taxonomy, or if you're curious about crafting an impactful sustainability statement, look no further.
Die EU-Taxonomie im Griff: Wie digitale Lösungen die Compliance erleichtern
Haben Sie Schwierigkeiten, alle erforderlichen Daten für Ihren EU-Taxonomie-Bericht zu sammeln? Oder sind Sie vielleicht unsicher, wo Sie anfangen sollen?
EU CSRD and Taxonomy– From Double Materiality to Sustainability Statement
Watch now! Embrace the challenges of the new EU requirements for corporate sustainability reporting with confidence! If you find yourself navigating the complexities of CSRD and taxonomy, or if you're curious about crafting an impactful sustainability statement, look no further.